the money is hard to get used to- 1 euro is 250 here in prague... its fun. dinner was 135 last night and a post card was 5. i feel rich!
today was our first real day, we went to the national museum which is a huge museum full of stuffed animals and skeletons of humans. i loved it. even though i dont speak czech i know the scientific names to enough animals to deduce what im looking at... thank you dr marler and zo! i knew i struggled through that for a reason! my favorite thing was the fin whale skeleton. it was 74 feet long and weighed 8884 lbs. that was in english on the sign. there were rooms and rooms full of rocks (kinda boring i wont lie) but i saw a meteor! i thought it worth noting that there were signs in the temporary exhibits that were made out of tri-board and printed paper peeling at the corners. the money in this museum is not going toward heat or signs thats for sure! but it was truly amazing... i think they have the right idea in having quality artifacts as first priority.
so thats prague so far. im sure the rest will be as lovely.

the first atronomical clock ever. brilliant.
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