this is us at midnight in dublin on the bus.
-its raining but thats actually a good thing cause it keep it warm.
- the natural history museum is closed randomly... they have stuffed animals. real ones.
- our hostel this trip is kinda sketch. yes.
- today were taking a bus out to the ocean! im so excited.. theres cliff walks and a castle, ill take photos upon photos i think.
- there was a man in our hostel in scotland and he had a stroke a couple years ago and is crazy so he would sit on the back porch facing the alley and scream and swear at the irish who were apparently attacking him. but from what ive seen the irish arent so bad. although...
- they are required to have security guards because so man young people cause problems.
- did i mention ive worn green everyday?
- its time for breakfast but heres a little something from glen hansard and once that says dublin. hes a vacuum repair man.. that might make the song a little more funny.
"Ten years ago
I fell in love with an Irish girl
She took my heart
But she went and [left me for] some guy she knew
and now I'm in Dublin with a broken heart
Oh broken hearted Hoover fixer sucker guy
Oh broken hearted Hoover fixer sucker, sucker guy
One day I'll go there and win her once again
but until then I'm just a sucker of a guy"

eating fish and chips on the water

howth. beautiful yeah?
I demand more pictures! (And better spelling.) :)
the keys are different, it's hard!
Life group says hi. We watched Amazing Grace last night and thought about you being over there. Did you see Wilberforce's grave at Westminster? Enjoy the green country. Watch out for leprecahns!
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