- My Savior
- family... be careful today! its a battlefield out there!
- friends
- health
ive been journal on this trip consistently and i went back and read it last night. its been a long trip, and it was fun to see how different my journaling is now... in the beginning there was an entire entry about how i was going to fit everything i needed in one backpack for our travels. and now that ive got one more travel im wondering if i should just take a purse for six days? probably not, but the point is three months have taught me a little about what i really need and whats just a gift. and ive narrowed it down to the things that are really important above i think.
im also thankful for turkey and being able to afford to go to the movies after dinner but itd be alright if i couldnt.
paul says, "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances [...] whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." (phil. 4:11-13)
really the entire list could be one thing... but im going to be selfish and keep the other three. what are you thankful for?
things i love about thanksgiving:
- food, friends,family
- those turkey balls you can make out of rice crispies, candy corn, and oreos. they taste terrible but they are so cute!
- leftover candy corn from halloween
- its perfectly acceptable to sit around all day and be lethargic and talk... a holiday made for me! :)

bk making a feast! with his wife and a million other people of course. if you ate it yesterday.... chances are so did we. they were amazing!

most of our group! our makeshift family.
What a beautiful thought and a lovely group of people. LYM
there are a lot of girls in your group!!
i know!
only ten boys and four are in serious relationships (three brought the serious relationship and one left a ring)...
i got your card yesterday! its in my journal so i can have a laugh whenever i need it. i did get that one souvenir.. i just cant really mention it yeah?
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