three signs should have alerted me to trouble on the horizon:
1. red sun in morning (sailors warning)- that was a lie. but it felt apropriate.
2. the largest map in the castle didnt have the area on it i needed. truth.
3. it was freezing and windy out. also truth.
so i take my satchel and head out. first, let me say that the return journey on the train took exactly twenty minutes, including wait time. then, let me say that the train ride on the way there took two and one half hours. i glanced at the map incorrectly ((probably shouldnt have glanced)) and headed the entire wrong direction. in my defense the colors are similar... and the trains did connect in the right place. i just went the long way around. and then had to take an s-bahn instead of a u-bahn. which was a new experience in the end, so im glad it happened.
i made it to the correct stop without a map but with a list of streets and which way to turn on them. that should go on the ominous list as well yeah? so i walked up the largest hill of my life before i saw a street sign that told me the street had morphed into another street. so i walked back down. and walked back up the other side of the hill where i realized that the street, a mere yards from where i was, had changed back to the original street. man, sometimes i outdo myself.

but i made it!!! this was one of the first hospitals to use the idea of multiple buildings that are not connected. after i took this photo a cute older man came up to me and yelled at me very nicely about taking photos on hospital grounds. im thinking the women leaning out the window humming with her gown open probably had something to do with that. so i kept trekking up the huge hill.

this is the church designed by the same man who did the hospital. i sat there for twenty minutes because it seemed so tragic to leave right away after all that hard work. but i didnt want to journal cause it started raining ((did i mention that? it started raining as i walk up the stairs to the church, which was closed.)) so i just sat on a bench in the rain. the trees, cause i was up so high in the hills around vienna, were very much like home. it felt like something you would find in sequim or port orchard or anywhere. i really liked it.
so thats my adventure, i ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich to celebrate being home. then i toweled off and watched spring sing from last year. very enjoyable. the director of gammas show is on the trip with me... alex is fabulous. always singing showtunes around the castle...

on the way home i saw this flower and it reminded me that im a lambda.
Hills are good for you, open gowns on the other hand..................
Savvaners! your stories make me happy. write more!
Excellent story! I love to hear about your very Savannah-ish adventures. :)
Hooray for adventures that don't go quite as you planned but are still rewarding! Did I detect a Legolas shout out in the spring sing video?
Here are some questions I'm curious to know: Where is your group trip to? And where are you most wanting to go on your free travel? What things do you want to see?
I want a few specifics, e.g. I wanted to see the Coloseum and Sistine Chapel more than anything in the world.
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