this is the railing from stephansdom and the building in the background is the brand new complex haus haus. there was a big fuss about the building because how valued stephansdom is but it worked out alright.

this is a swimming pool in the river. how odd! but seeing as the water is filthy it makes sense.

this is me. i got bored waiting for my U so i snapped a photo.

and this is the tiniest car i have ever seen! note the size in comparision to the bike.
also, id like to remind everyone that three days from today tottenham and arsenal battle. well, more like arsenal is going to slaughter tottenham. i cannot wait.
I like you! And I LOVE Smart Cars! Did you know you can get them in the US now? I wanted to get one but they are too much!
Hey listen, I am jealous that you are there and I am not.
Sweet Savannah! I am so excited that you ALREADY bought me a shirt! You are really on the ball! I am loving your blog although pangs of jealousy course through my veins as I read it. How much was the shirt? I must send you some form of money soon! More great pics too. Well done.
ronnikins!! every time i see your name it reminds me of harry potter. in a good way yeah? come see me! or maybe just tell me somewhere extra worth seeing? also, today i saw a bob dylan cd and i thought about you.
jamie! im thinking that its good that i have your shirt because otherwise id never see you! lets get coffee when i get back.
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