the day before the alps we took a walk along the river... it was really really chill. thats all i got.

this is our home in the alps! the church in vienna we help out owns it so we get to stay in it. in the alps.

deborah bush and i! were both blogging this trip... and we both have curly hair! and were in the alps...

yeah. i climbed a mountain. it was eight miles; five up, three down. and it was not a path. maybe ill find a photo of the "trail" later.

this is the loft that josh and i found in the alps. its in a tree... we didnt get any journaling done but it was enjoyable none-the-less.
it was basically a weekend of vacation away from vacation. sometimes the hustle of trying to be in a culture and see everything and keep up with back home and homework gets overwhelming. so we took a break, read, walked, watched the sun rise over the mountains.
back home i love to sit in the hot tub and watch the stars when everyone goes to bed. it was comforting to sit on a fence in the garden and see the big dipper and cassiopia. its the same sky back home.
The Alps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im glad youre excited mom. love you... when we do europe we should definitely hit the alps... just to see the sunsets.
Hey did you guys stay at Schwartzwaldeckhaus? It kind of looks like it but it kind of doesn't. :)
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