Thursday, September 20, 2007

tea time in the castle.

funny story of yesterday:
last week the female chaperones decided to take small groups of girls and have tea with them wednesday nights after theme dinner ((the students cook theme dinners wednesdays- last night was mexican. lovely.)) and devo to get to know them.

so alex and linds and becky and laura and i get invites and we end up sitting near each other at a meal one night, all excited and such. the question of how we all got picked for the first tea party came up and someone leans in and goes, "i heard that they made a list of people they were most worried about and thats how they decided the order." and the whole table just froze. and then we looked around and looked at ourselves... and then laughed for about twenty minutes. but the rest of the week we discussed fictional problems we could share at tea time. the best ones revovled around one of the three single guys on our trip and two of the girls. everytime we saw each other we smiled, a little condescending of the old chaperones acting like they knew us. were young, its understandable yeah? :)

so tea time comes.
i wont go into detail but it was great fun! we had hot chocolate and cake and got to know each other a little better... id say more but i dont want to ruin it for anyone who hasnt gotten to do it yet. but it was nice to hear people talk about what they love... a new perspective on familiar people. at the end we admitted what we had heard and the jokes wed been mock planning all week and danielle and patty gave us the most blank stares ive ever seen. so we laughed again. they had randomly drawn names to see who would come to tea and the only scheming involved was trying to keep people who were best friends in different tea groups. our youth exposed.

its funny how things work yeah? they essentially planned tea to split up the cliques and bond different groups of people. but the tea did less of that than the week leading up to tea...

today we leave for a weekend in the alps. the alps! oh gosh.


Lisa said...

Tell Maria hi if you see her. Actually any of the Von Trapps would be good. The Alps, WOW!!!

savannah. said...

i am a von trapp actually!
my kitchen clean up group is named von trapp.. im kurt. we sing a lot and get terrible jobs.
we like to joke that its because we already know how to conquer adversity. really though, i have a page in my journal dedicated to the crazy jobs we get.

- at the castle, the dishwasher broke so we handwashed every dish.
- in the alps the hot water broke so we boiled our own water to wash.
- breakfast kp on a saturday.
- clean up in the alps: one group shut all ten windows, one group swept, and we cleaned the sinks in every single room and all three bathrooms.

but we all really like each other and its not bad at all really. we sing and laugh and spend more time together... we actually work like a team cause we have so much practice!