Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Packing list.

I think everyone who knows me knows this tiny, terrible fact about me: I am obsessed with lists. Even my post it notes are lines for ease of list making.
I make them about everything (really though). Especially packing lists (which I edit a million times before not bothering to actually use them).

Anyway, I have accumulated my wardrobe for the trip.
I debated taking a picture of the lovely sweaters and dress but I figure three weeks in the same outfit will be plenty of pictures.

Also I got a new bag. My mom has the brown one and decided we should have matching bags (I will never argue against matching). It's a lot bigger than the one I was planning on taking but that means I can take my Arsenal blanket (I think I might accidentally be Pigpen, somehow that blanket goes everywhere with me!). And I'll have room for my royal wedding mug and a universitat tee. Perfection.

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