Monday, October 31, 2011

London town.

Hoo boy we made it!!!

It only took 29 hours of being awake (and not showering) to do it.

So far we've explored our tiny suburb of Tottenham (it's Carribean and everyone comes out at night... and EVERYWHERE sells human hair), bought a TON of cheap fruit (£1 for a pomegranite) and fresh bread, and seen a few sights.

My favorite thing so far was an exhibit at the British museum called Cradle to Grave.

Friday, October 28, 2011


I'm not in an astronaut outfit but I am leaving (and I know exactly when I'll be back).
But someone sang this last night and got it stuck in my head.
Away with us!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Packing list.

I think everyone who knows me knows this tiny, terrible fact about me: I am obsessed with lists. Even my post it notes are lines for ease of list making.
I make them about everything (really though). Especially packing lists (which I edit a million times before not bothering to actually use them).

Anyway, I have accumulated my wardrobe for the trip.
I debated taking a picture of the lovely sweaters and dress but I figure three weeks in the same outfit will be plenty of pictures.

Also I got a new bag. My mom has the brown one and decided we should have matching bags (I will never argue against matching). It's a lot bigger than the one I was planning on taking but that means I can take my Arsenal blanket (I think I might accidentally be Pigpen, somehow that blanket goes everywhere with me!). And I'll have room for my royal wedding mug and a universitat tee. Perfection.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

You sound like your from London!

London flat. The bed is a loft (I'm in love).

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Home sweet Wien.

The delightful house we found in Vienna.
My mouth is drooling for a kebob!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Putting together a Wardrobe.

Isn't this jcrew sweater the perfect accessory? I love it. Good for summer and winter... the trick with traveling in the winter months is that you need to stay warm when outside, but you need to wear a manageable amount of layers so that inside you don't turn into a luggage hauling museum goer.
I've been paring down my list and at this point it looks like the only things traveling with me are:

- black jeans
- a jacket
- 2 or 3 shirts
- maybe a dress and tights...
- my giant hat from Christmas

Plenty of room in my bag for shopping and presents!
And really, at the end of three weeks, I'm sure I'll be annoyed I brought that extra shirt.

Monday, April 11, 2011


This has nothing to do with travel and everything to do with adorable.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

another piece.

I got a surprise package from my mum over spring break: the last two hunger games books, and this clothes line for our trip! Ignore my drab bathroom... the line works great!

As for the books, I admit I read them both in one day, but they were impossible to put down!
It makes me consider an ipad for the trip though, having books and a computer there. I see the advantages to it, even though the lure of paper overcomes the desire for variety in me. There are so many cool electronic options for a trip.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

new camera.

a long time ago my lovely 2 AA battery canon was stolen.
then my mom gave me her nice new canon, but its heavy! and so i dont use it very much.

so im buying a new one.
this one below i think.

what do you think?
theres not a viewfinder but everything else is perfect. and shes black!

as im getting rid of things to graduate im realizing that only having things you really will use and will love using is important (who cares if that things is awesome and was cheap if you dont use it?).
the only exception to this is my panther candle that my brother got me for my 18th birthday.
PANTHER CANDLE. shaped like a panther.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


slowly im accumulating things for our trip, it makes waiting easier.

backpack! its only 40 liters but were only going to be gone for three weeks and i think it will help me pack light, which makes life easier.

a bon jovi finger puppet.
can you imagine him going all over the world? delightful.

dry (add water) laundry soap. brilliant.

Friday, January 28, 2011

tentative itinerary.

london (howth for a day) - normandy - paris - rome (greece for a day) - VIENNA!

this seemed like such an ideal plan until i google mapped it and now im feeling like normandy is not the best option...

perhaps a separate trip for WWII sights?
so an extra day.... brugges maybe? or another day somewhere we really like? a day in venice? this trip is so long that the options are endless! its overwhelming trying to plan!
but really exciting.

Monday, January 24, 2011



i thought this blog was donesies forever.
were buying tickets this weekend for a whirlwind 21 day adventure.
(this means its officially mother-daughter-annual-plus-graduation-trip planning time!).
so get ready old vienna blog.

you are now new vienna blog.